EBRD Policy Academy
Korea to Transition (K2T) Lessons: Digital Transformation of Financial Market Infrastructure
Korea to Transition (K2T) Lessons

About the Module
This Module is designed for policymakers, government officials, the private sector, the public, and international economic stakeholders. It represents direct knowledge transfer and equips learners with lessons from the impressive Republic of Korea development experience; these lessons can then be potentially applied specific local development needs and issues. Efficiencies enabled by the digital transformation of public services and infrastructure are critical in ensuring continued structural change and economic growth in the 21st century.
This online training Module is web-based. Therefore, it is not required to download any software. Please be aware that the "EBRD Policy Academy" does not provide tutor support.
Length: approximately 2 weeks
Effort: 2 hours per week
Module duration: approximately 4 hours
Language: U.S. English
Note: The personal expert views of the featured lecturers - that are shared within these learning materials - do not necessarily represent the official position of the EBRD or the position of other institutions and organizations with which non-EBRD lecturers are associated.
List of Lecturers
Mattia Romani
Head of Sustainability, Autonomy Capital
2017 — Managing Director Economics, Policy, and Governance; EBRD
Session One: Payment Systems
Haesul Kim
Senior Researcher, Research Center, KFTC
Session Two: Fintech Innovation Policy in Korea
Sungkyun Son
Deputy Manager
Fintech Center Korea
Session Three: Global Trends in Central Bank Digital Currency
Hee-won Shim
Senior Researcher, KFTC
Session Four: Open Banking and Open Finance in Korea
Heejin Lee
Analyst, KFTC
Yongbin Kwon
Assistant Manager, KFTC
Chul Park
Senior Analyst, KFTC
Session Five: Korea's Online Name Verification
Youngjee Kim
Manager, Hana Bank
Eun-jin Chang
Senior Assosiate, KFTC
Session Six: Introduction to KFTC's Digital Certificate Services
Kisoo Hong
Senior Manager, KFTC Financial Authentication Center
The EBRD Policy Academy is supported by the "TaiwanBusiness-EBRD Technical Cooperation Fund".
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