EBRD Policy Academy
Delivering a Circular Economy: Strategies and Successes
This module is designed to provide participants with an overview of Circular Economy. Learn how this subject is improving the city through subject-experts with first-hand knowledge in developing and executing policies and programs in this practical online Module.

About This Module
Looking to discover Circular Economy policy development? To provide participants with an overview of Circular Economy, this course offers an introduction to the nation’s approach. Through successful case studies, the country’s Information and Communication Technology industry is transformed into a service-oriented technology, and the current situation and development of Circular Economy is introduced. After completion, it will enable participants to have a deeper understanding of the advantages and challenges of transitioning to a more resource-efficient circular economy. This Module is aimed at city planners, engineers, business leaders and government officials.
As curators of this Module, the Institute for Information Industry, a non-governmental organization and government think tank whose mission is to promote Information Communication Technology (ICT) innovation and applications, and to assist in the development of the digital economy, regularly puts forward various technological and industrial policy recommendations for the government relevant to the development of Smart City and Circular Economy initiatives.
This Module is designed for policymakers, government officials, the private sector and international economic stakeholders. It aids knowledge transfer and equips the audience to better learn from the vast pool of international experience in Circular Economy.
After completing this Module, participants will be able to identify and clarify business opportunities in the Circular Economy in various scenarios.
Learning Objectives
The Module “Delivering a Circular Economy: Strategies and Successes” has four self-paced sessions, and is aimed to:
(i) EBRD’s "Strategic and Capital Framework (SCF)" for 2021 to 2025;
(ii) Transition to a green, low-carbon economy; and
(iii) Notion of circularity having deep historical and philosophical origins.
Length: Approximately 2-3 weeks
Effort: 2-3 hours per week
Module duration: Approximately 6 hours, including assessments
Language: U.S. English
Note: The personal expert views of the featured lecturers - that are shared within these learning materials - do not necessarily represent the official position of the EBRD, or the position of other institutions and organisations with which non-EBRD lecturers are associated.
EBRD "Knowledge Champions" for Module (Subject-Matter Experts)
Dimitri Koufos
Head of Sustainable Business and Infrastructure, Industry, and Agribusiness, EBRD
Ela Yilmaz Akdeniz
Principal Sustainable Business and Infrastructure, EBRD
Elif Baknali
Principal, Clean Technology Fund, EBRD
List of Lecturers
Session One: Circular Economy’s Motivations and Objectives
Chung-Huang Huang
Director (Acting) Sector Economics and Policy
Professor, Institute of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Taipei University
Session Two: Key Strategies for Circular Economy
Chung-Huang Huang
Director (Acting) Sector Economics and Policy
Professor, Institute of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Taipei University
Session Three: Lessons from Case Studies
Chung-Huang Huang
Director (Acting) Sector Economics and Policy
Professor, Institute of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Taipei University
Alfred Lien
Director, Institute for Information Industry
Session Four: How the EBRD Supports the Creation of a Circular Economy
Jeffrey Li
Manager, Institute for Information Industry
The EBRD Policy Academy is supported by the “TaiwanBusiness-EBRD Technical Cooperation Fund".
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